{-# OPTIONS -fno-warn-tabs #-}
-- The above warning supression flag is a temporary kludge.
-- While working on this module you are encouraged to remove it and
-- detab the module (please do the detabbing in a separate patch). See
--     http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/Commentary/CodingStyle#TabsvsSpaces
-- for details

{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, DeriveDataTypeable #-}

module CostCentre (
        CostCentre(..), CcName, IsCafCC(..),
		-- All abstract except to friend: ParseIface.y

        noCCS, currentCCS, dontCareCCS,
        noCCSAttached, isCurrentCCS,

	mkUserCC, mkAutoCC, mkAllCafsCC, 
        isCafCCS, isCafCC, isSccCountCC, sccAbleCC, ccFromThisModule,

        costCentreUserName, costCentreUserNameFS,

	cmpCostCentre	-- used for removing dups in a list
    ) where

import Binary
import Var
import Name
import Module
import Unique
import Outputable	
import FastTypes
import SrcLoc
import FastString
import Util

import Data.Data

-- Cost Centres

-- | A Cost Centre is a single @{-# SCC #-}@ annotation.
data CostCentre
  = NormalCC {
                cc_key  :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int,
                 -- ^ Two cost centres may have the same name and
                 -- module but different SrcSpans, so we need a way to
                 -- distinguish them easily and give them different
                 -- object-code labels.  So every CostCentre has a
                 -- Unique that is distinct from every other
                 -- CostCentre in the same module.
                 -- XXX: should really be using Unique here, but we
                 -- need to derive Data below and there's no Data
                 -- instance for Unique.
                cc_name :: CcName,      -- ^ Name of the cost centre itself
                cc_mod  :: Module,      -- ^ Name of module defining this CC.
                cc_loc  :: SrcSpan,
                cc_is_caf  :: IsCafCC   -- see below

  | AllCafsCC {	
                cc_mod  :: Module,      -- Name of module defining this CC.
                cc_loc  :: SrcSpan
  deriving (Data, Typeable)

type CcName = FastString

data IsCafCC = NotCafCC | CafCC
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Data, Typeable)

instance Eq CostCentre where
	c1 == c2 = case c1 `cmpCostCentre` c2 of { EQ -> True; _ -> False }

instance Ord CostCentre where
	compare = cmpCostCentre

cmpCostCentre :: CostCentre -> CostCentre -> Ordering

cmpCostCentre (AllCafsCC  {cc_mod = m1}) (AllCafsCC  {cc_mod = m2})
  = m1 `compare` m2

cmpCostCentre NormalCC {cc_key = n1, cc_mod =  m1}
              NormalCC {cc_key = n2, cc_mod =  m2}
    -- first key is module name, then the integer key
  = (m1 `compare` m2) `thenCmp` (n1 `compare` n2)

cmpCostCentre other_1 other_2
  = let
	!tag1 = tag_CC other_1
	!tag2 = tag_CC other_2
    if tag1 <# tag2 then LT else GT
    tag_CC (NormalCC   {}) = _ILIT(0)
    tag_CC (AllCafsCC  {}) = _ILIT(1)

-- Predicates on CostCentre

isCafCC :: CostCentre -> Bool
isCafCC (AllCafsCC {})                 = True
isCafCC (NormalCC {cc_is_caf = CafCC}) = True
isCafCC _                              = False

-- | Is this a cost-centre which records scc counts
isSccCountCC :: CostCentre -> Bool
isSccCountCC cc | isCafCC cc  = False
                | otherwise   = True

-- | Is this a cost-centre which can be sccd ?
sccAbleCC :: CostCentre -> Bool
sccAbleCC cc | isCafCC cc = False
             | otherwise  = True

ccFromThisModule :: CostCentre -> Module -> Bool
ccFromThisModule cc m = cc_mod cc == m

-- Building cost centres

mkUserCC :: FastString -> Module -> SrcSpan -> Unique -> CostCentre
mkUserCC cc_name mod loc key
  = NormalCC { cc_key = getKey key, cc_name = cc_name, cc_mod =  mod, cc_loc = loc,
               cc_is_caf = NotCafCC {-might be changed-}

mkAutoCC :: Id -> Module -> IsCafCC -> CostCentre
mkAutoCC id mod is_caf
  = NormalCC { cc_key = getKey (getUnique id),
               cc_name = str, cc_mod =  mod,
               cc_loc = nameSrcSpan (getName id),
               cc_is_caf = is_caf
        name = getName id
        -- beware: only external names are guaranteed to have unique
        -- Occnames.  If the name is not external, we must append its
        -- Unique.
        -- See bug #249, tests prof001, prof002,  also #2411
        str | isExternalName name = occNameFS (getOccName id)
            | otherwise           = occNameFS (getOccName id)
                                    mkFastString ('_' : show (getUnique name))
mkAllCafsCC :: Module -> SrcSpan -> CostCentre
mkAllCafsCC m loc = AllCafsCC { cc_mod = m, cc_loc = loc }

-- Cost Centre Stacks

-- | A Cost Centre Stack is something that can be attached to a closure.
-- This is either:
--      * the current cost centre stack (CCCS)
--      * a pre-defined cost centre stack (there are several
-- 	  pre-defined CCSs, see below).

data CostCentreStack
  = NoCCS

  | CurrentCCS		-- Pinned on a let(rec)-bound 
			-- thunk/function/constructor, this says that the 
			-- cost centre to be attached to the object, when it 
			-- is allocated, is whatever is in the 
			-- current-cost-centre-stack register.

  | DontCareCCS         -- We need a CCS to stick in static closures
			-- (for data), but we *don't* expect them to
			-- accumulate any costs.  But we still need
			-- the placeholder.  This CCS is it.

  | SingletonCCS CostCentre

  deriving (Eq, Ord)	-- needed for Ord on CLabel

-- synonym for triple which describes the cost centre info in the generated
-- code for a module.
type CollectedCCs
  = ( [CostCentre]       -- local cost-centres that need to be decl'd
    , [CostCentre]       -- "extern" cost-centres
    , [CostCentreStack]  -- pre-defined "singleton" cost centre stacks

noCCS, currentCCS, dontCareCCS :: CostCentreStack

noCCS 			= NoCCS
currentCCS              = CurrentCCS
dontCareCCS             = DontCareCCS

-- Predicates on Cost-Centre Stacks

noCCSAttached :: CostCentreStack -> Bool
noCCSAttached NoCCS			= True
noCCSAttached _				= False

isCurrentCCS :: CostCentreStack -> Bool
isCurrentCCS CurrentCCS			= True
isCurrentCCS _	      			= False

isCafCCS :: CostCentreStack -> Bool
isCafCCS (SingletonCCS cc)              = isCafCC cc
isCafCCS _				= False

maybeSingletonCCS :: CostCentreStack -> Maybe CostCentre
maybeSingletonCCS (SingletonCCS cc)     = Just cc
maybeSingletonCCS _			= Nothing

mkSingletonCCS :: CostCentre -> CostCentreStack
mkSingletonCCS cc = SingletonCCS cc

-- Printing Cost Centre Stacks.

-- The outputable instance for CostCentreStack prints the CCS as a C
-- expression.

instance Outputable CostCentreStack where
  ppr NoCCS		= ptext (sLit "NO_CCS")
  ppr CurrentCCS	= ptext (sLit "CCCS")
  ppr DontCareCCS       = ptext (sLit "CCS_DONT_CARE")
  ppr (SingletonCCS cc) = ppr cc <> ptext (sLit "_ccs")

-- Printing Cost Centres
-- There are several different ways in which we might want to print a
-- cost centre:
-- 	- the name of the cost centre, for profiling output (a C string)
-- 	- the label, i.e. C label for cost centre in .hc file.
-- 	- the debugging name, for output in -ddump things
-- 	- the interface name, for printing in _scc_ exprs in iface files.
-- The last 3 are derived from costCentreStr below.  The first is given
-- by costCentreName.

instance Outputable CostCentre where
  ppr cc = getPprStyle $ \ sty ->
	   if codeStyle sty
  	   then ppCostCentreLbl cc
	   else text (costCentreUserName cc)

-- Printing in Core
pprCostCentreCore :: CostCentre -> SDoc
pprCostCentreCore (AllCafsCC {cc_mod = m})
  = text "__sccC" <+> braces (ppr m)
pprCostCentreCore (NormalCC {cc_key = key, cc_name = n, cc_mod = m, cc_loc = loc,
                             cc_is_caf = caf})
  = text "__scc" <+> braces (hsep [
        ppr m <> char '.' <> ftext n,
        ifPprDebug (ppr key),
        pp_caf caf,
        ifPprDebug (ppr loc)

pp_caf :: IsCafCC -> SDoc
pp_caf CafCC = text "__C"
pp_caf _     = empty

-- Printing as a C label
ppCostCentreLbl :: CostCentre -> SDoc
ppCostCentreLbl (AllCafsCC  {cc_mod = m}) = ppr m <> text "_CAFs_cc"
ppCostCentreLbl (NormalCC {cc_key = k, cc_name = n, cc_mod = m,
                           cc_is_caf = is_caf})
  = ppr m <> char '_' <> ztext (zEncodeFS n) <> char '_' <>
        case is_caf of { CafCC -> ptext (sLit "CAF"); _ -> ppr (mkUniqueGrimily k)} <> text "_cc"

-- This is the name to go in the user-displayed string, 
-- recorded in the cost centre declaration
costCentreUserName :: CostCentre -> String
costCentreUserName = unpackFS . costCentreUserNameFS

costCentreUserNameFS :: CostCentre -> FastString
costCentreUserNameFS (AllCafsCC {})  = mkFastString "CAF"
costCentreUserNameFS (NormalCC {cc_name = name, cc_is_caf = is_caf})
  =  case is_caf of
      CafCC -> mkFastString "CAF:" `appendFS` name
      _     -> name

costCentreSrcSpan :: CostCentre -> SrcSpan
costCentreSrcSpan = cc_loc

instance Binary IsCafCC where
    put_ bh CafCC = do
            putByte bh 0
    put_ bh NotCafCC = do
            putByte bh 1
    get bh = do
            h <- getByte bh
            case h of
              0 -> do return CafCC
              _ -> do return NotCafCC

instance Binary CostCentre where
    put_ bh (NormalCC aa ab ac _ad ae) = do
            putByte bh 0
            put_ bh aa
            put_ bh ab
            put_ bh ac
            put_ bh ae
    put_ bh (AllCafsCC ae _af) = do
            putByte bh 1
            put_ bh ae
    get bh = do
            h <- getByte bh
            case h of
              0 -> do aa <- get bh
                      ab <- get bh
                      ac <- get bh
                      ae <- get bh
                      return (NormalCC aa ab ac noSrcSpan ae)
              _ -> do ae <- get bh
                      return (AllCafsCC ae noSrcSpan)

    -- We ignore the SrcSpans in CostCentres when we serialise them,
    -- and set the SrcSpans to noSrcSpan when deserialising.  This is
    -- ok, because we only need the SrcSpan when declaring the
    -- CostCentre in the original module, it is not used by importing
    -- modules.