Chart-1.5.4: A library for generating 2D Charts and Plots

Copyright(c) Tim Docker 2006, 2014
LicenseBSD-style (see chart/COPYRIGHT)
Safe HaskellNone




This module contains basic types and functions used for drawing.

Note that Template Haskell is used to derive accessor functions (see Lens) for each field of the following data types:

These accessors are not shown in this API documentation. They have the same name as the field, but with the trailing underscore dropped. Hence for data field f_::F in type D, they have type

  f :: Control.Lens.Lens' D F


Point Types and Drawing

data PointShape

The different shapes a point can have.



A circle.

PointShapePolygon Int Bool

Number of vertices and is right-side-up?


A plus sign.


A cross.


Combination of a cross and a plus.

PointShapeArrowHead Double 

data PointStyle

Abstract data type for the style of a plotted point.




_point_color :: AlphaColour Double

The color to fill the point with.

_point_border_color :: AlphaColour Double

The color to stroke the outline with.

_point_border_width :: Double

The width of the outline.

_point_radius :: Double

The radius of the tightest surrounding circle of the point.

_point_shape :: PointShape

The shape.


Default PointStyle

Default style to use for points.



:: PointStyle

Style to use when rendering the point.

-> Point

Position of the point to render.

-> ChartBackend () 

Draw a single point at the given location.

Alignments and Paths

alignPath :: (Point -> Point) -> Path -> Path

Align the path by applying the given function on all points.

alignFillPath :: Path -> ChartBackend Path

Align the path using the environment's alignment function for coordinates. This is generally useful when filling. See alignPath and getCoordAlignFn.

alignStrokePath :: Path -> ChartBackend Path

Align the path using the environment's alignment function for points. This is generally useful when stroking. See alignPath and getPointAlignFn.

alignFillPoints :: [Point] -> ChartBackend [Point]

The points will be aligned by the getCoordAlignFn, so that when drawing bitmaps, the edges of the region will fall between pixels.

alignStrokePoints :: [Point] -> ChartBackend [Point]

The points will be aligned by the getPointAlignFn, so that when drawing bitmaps, 1 pixel wide lines will be centred on the pixels.

alignFillPoint :: Point -> ChartBackend Point

Align the point using the environment's alignment function for coordinates. See getCoordAlignFn.

alignStrokePoint :: Point -> ChartBackend Point

Align the point using the environment's alignment function for points. See getPointAlignFn.

strokePointPath :: [Point] -> ChartBackend ()

Draw lines between the specified points.

fillPointPath :: [Point] -> ChartBackend ()

Fill the region with the given corners.

Transformation and Style Helpers

withRotation :: Double -> ChartBackend a -> ChartBackend a

Apply a local rotation. The angle is given in radians.

withTranslation :: Point -> ChartBackend a -> ChartBackend a

Apply a local translation.

withScale :: Vector -> ChartBackend a -> ChartBackend a

Apply a local scale.

withScaleX :: Double -> ChartBackend a -> ChartBackend a

Apply a local scale on the x-axis.

withScaleY :: Double -> ChartBackend a -> ChartBackend a

Apply a local scale on the y-axis.

withPointStyle :: PointStyle -> ChartBackend a -> ChartBackend a

Changes the LineStyle and FillStyle to comply with the given PointStyle.

Text Drawing

drawTextA :: HTextAnchor -> VTextAnchor -> Point -> String -> ChartBackend ()

Draw a line of text that is aligned at a different anchor point. See drawText.

drawTextR :: HTextAnchor -> VTextAnchor -> Double -> Point -> String -> ChartBackend ()

Draw a textual label anchored by one of its corners or edges, with rotation. Rotation angle is given in degrees, rotation is performed around anchor point. See drawText.

drawTextsR :: HTextAnchor -> VTextAnchor -> Double -> Point -> String -> ChartBackend ()

Draw a multi-line textual label anchored by one of its corners or edges, with rotation. Rotation angle is given in degrees, rotation is performed around anchor point. See drawText.

textDrawRect :: HTextAnchor -> VTextAnchor -> Point -> String -> ChartBackend Rect

Return the bounding rectangle for a text string positioned where it would be drawn by drawText. See textSize.

textDimension :: String -> ChartBackend RectSize

Get the width and height of the string when rendered. See textSize.

Style Helpers

defaultColorSeq :: [AlphaColour Double]

The default sequence of colours to use when plotings different data sets in a graph.



:: Double

Width of line.

-> AlphaColour Double

Colour of line.

-> LineStyle 

Create a solid line style (not dashed).



:: Double

Width of line.

-> [Double]

The dash pattern in device coordinates.

-> AlphaColour Double

Colour of line.

-> LineStyle 

Create a dashed line style.



:: Double

Radius of circle.

-> AlphaColour Double

Fill colour.

-> PointStyle 

Style for filled circle points.



:: Double

Radius of circle.

-> Double

Thickness of line.

-> AlphaColour Double 
-> PointStyle 

Style for stroked circle points.



:: Double

Radius of circle.

-> Int

Number of vertices.

-> Bool

Is right-side-up?

-> AlphaColour Double

Fill color.

-> PointStyle 

Style for filled polygon points.



:: Double

Radius of circle.

-> Double

Thickness of line.

-> Int

Number of vertices.

-> Bool

Is right-side-up?

-> AlphaColour Double

Colour of line.

-> PointStyle 

Style for stroked polygon points.



:: Double

Radius of tightest surrounding circle.

-> Double

Thickness of line.

-> AlphaColour Double

Color of line.

-> PointStyle 

Plus sign point style.



:: Double

Radius of circle.

-> Double

Thickness of line.

-> AlphaColour Double

Color of line.

-> PointStyle 

Cross point style.



:: Double

Radius of circle.

-> Double

Thickness of line.

-> AlphaColour Double

Color of line.

-> PointStyle 

Combination of plus and cross point style.



:: Double

Radius of circle.

-> Double

Rotation (Tau)

-> Double

Thickness of line.

-> AlphaColour Double

Color of line.

-> PointStyle 

solidFillStyle :: AlphaColour Double -> FillStyle

Fill style that fill everything this the given colour.

Backend and general Types
