bytes-0.15.2: Sharing code for serialization between binary and cereal

Copyright(c) Edward Kmett 2013-2015
MaintainerEdward Kmett <>
Safe HaskellTrustworthy




This module contains two main classes, each providing methods to serialize and deserialize types. Serial is the primary class, to be used for the canonical way to serialize a specific type. SerialEndian is used to provide endian-specific methods for serializing a type.



class Serial a where

Methods to serialize and deserialize type a to a binary representation

Instances provided here for fixed-with Integers and Words are big endian. Instances for strict and lazy bytestrings store also the length of bytestring big endian. Instances for Word and Int are host endian as they are machine-specific types.

Minimal complete definition



serialize :: MonadPut m => a -> m ()

deserialize :: MonadGet m => m a


Serial Bool 
Serial Char 
Serial Double 
Serial Float 
Serial Int 
Serial Int8 
Serial Int16 
Serial Int32 
Serial Int64 
Serial Integer
>>> (runGetL deserialize $ runPutL $ serialize (1822304234^100::Integer))::Integer
Serial Ordering
>>> runGetL deserialize $ runPutL $ serialize LT::Ordering
>>> runGetL deserialize $ runPutL $ serialize EQ::Ordering
>>> runGetL deserialize $ runPutL $ serialize GT::Ordering
Serial Word 
Serial Word8 
Serial Word16 
Serial Word32 
Serial Word64 
Serial () 
Serial Void 
Serial Natural
>>> runGetL deserialize (runPutL (serialize (10^10::Natural))) :: Natural
Serial Version 
Serial All 
Serial Any 
Serial ByteString 
Serial ByteString 
Serial IntSet 
Serial Scientific 
Serial Text 
Serial Text 
Serial AbsoluteTime
>>> (runGetL deserialize $ runPutL $ serialize (addAbsoluteTime 18.2 taiEpoch))::AbsoluteTime
1858-11-17 00:00:18.2 TAI
Serial LocalTime 
Serial ZonedTime 
Serial TimeOfDay 
Serial TimeZone 
Serial UTCTime
>>> (runGetL deserialize $ runPutL $ serialize (read "2014-01-01 10:54:42.478031 UTC"::UTCTime))::UTCTime
2014-01-01 10:54:42.478031 UTC
Serial NominalDiffTime
>>> (runGetL deserialize $ runPutL $ serialize (1.82::DiffTime))::DiffTime
Serial Day
>>> (runGetL deserialize $ runPutL $ serialize (ModifiedJulianDay 1))::Day
Serial UniversalTime
>>> getModJulianDate $ (runGetL deserialize $ runPutL $ serialize (ModJulianDate $ 5 % 11)::UniversalTime)
5 % 11
Serial DiffTime
>>> (runGetL deserialize $ runPutL $ serialize (1.82::DiffTime))::DiffTime
Serial a => Serial [a] 
(Serial a, Integral a) => Serial (Ratio a)
>>> (runGetL deserialize $ runPutL $ serialize (5 % 11::Ratio Int))::Ratio Int
5 % 11
Serial a => Serial (Identity a) 
HasResolution a => Serial (Fixed a)
>>> (runGetL deserialize $ runPutL $ serialize (1.82::Fixed E2))::Fixed E2
Serial a => Serial (ZipList a) 
Serial a => Serial (Dual a) 
Serial a => Serial (Sum a) 
Serial a => Serial (Product a) 
Serial a => Serial (First a) 
Serial a => Serial (Last a) 
Serial a => Serial (Down a) 
Serial a => Serial (Maybe a) 
Serial v => Serial (IntMap v) 
(Serial a, Ord a) => Serial (Set a) 
Serial a => Serial (Seq a) 
(Serial v, Hashable v, Eq v) => Serial (HashSet v) 
(Bits n, Integral n, Bits (Unsigned n), Integral (Unsigned n)) => Serial (VarInt n)

$setup >>> import Data.Word >>> import Data.Fixed >>> import Data.Bytes.Serial

Integer/Word types serialized to base-128 variable-width ints.

>>> import Data.Monoid (mconcat)
>>> import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
>>> mconcat $ BSL.toChunks $ runPutL $ serialize (97 :: Word64)
>>> mconcat $ BSL.toChunks $ runPutL $ serialize (97 :: VarInt Word64)
(Serial a, Serial b) => Serial (Either a b) 
(Serial a, Serial b) => Serial (a, b) 
(Serial k, Serial v, Ord k) => Serial (Map k v) 
Serial (f a) => Serial (Reverse f a) 
Serial a => Serial (Constant a b) 
(Serial k, Serial v, Hashable k, Eq k) => Serial (HashMap k v) 
(Serial a, Serial b, Serial c) => Serial (a, b, c) 
(Serial (f a), Serial (g a)) => Serial (Product f g a) 
(Serial a, Serial b, Serial c, Serial d) => Serial (a, b, c, d) 
(Serial a, Serial b, Serial c, Serial d, Serial e) => Serial (a, b, c, d, e) 

Specifying endianness

class SerialEndian a where

Methods to serialize and deserialize type a to a big and little endian binary representations. Methods suffixed with "host" are automatically defined to use equal the methods corresponding to the current machine's native endianness, but they can be overridden.

Minimal complete definition



serializeBE :: MonadPut m => a -> m ()

deserializeBE :: MonadGet m => m a

serializeLE :: MonadPut m => a -> m ()

deserializeLE :: MonadGet m => m a

serializeHost :: MonadPut m => a -> m ()

deserializeHost :: MonadGet m => m a


These classes provide us with the ability to serialize containers that need polymorphic recursion.

class Serial1 f where

Minimal complete definition



serializeWith :: MonadPut m => (a -> m ()) -> f a -> m ()

deserializeWith :: MonadGet m => m a -> m (f a)


Serial1 [] 
Serial1 Maybe 
Serial1 IntMap 
Serial1 Seq 
Serial a => Serial1 (Either a) 
Serial a => Serial1 ((,) a) 
(Ord k, Serial k) => Serial1 (Map k) 
(Hashable k, Eq k, Serial k) => Serial1 (HashMap k) 
(Serial a, Serial b) => Serial1 ((,,) a b) 
(Serial a, Serial b, Serial c) => Serial1 ((,,,) a b c) 
(Serial a, Serial b, Serial c, Serial d) => Serial1 ((,,,,) a b c d) 

serialize1 :: (MonadPut m, Serial1 f, Serial a) => f a -> m ()

deserialize1 :: (MonadGet m, Serial1 f, Serial a) => m (f a)

class Serial2 f where


serializeWith2 :: MonadPut m => (a -> m ()) -> (b -> m ()) -> f a b -> m ()

deserializeWith2 :: MonadGet m => m a -> m b -> m (f a b)


Serial2 Either 
Serial2 (,) 
Serial a => Serial2 ((,,) a) 
(Serial a, Serial b) => Serial2 ((,,,) a b) 
(Serial a, Serial b, Serial c) => Serial2 ((,,,,) a b c) 

serialize2 :: (MonadPut m, Serial2 f, Serial a, Serial b) => f a b -> m ()

deserialize2 :: (MonadGet m, Serial2 f, Serial a, Serial b) => m (f a b)


store :: (MonadPut m, Storable a) => a -> m ()

serialize any Storable in a host-specific format.

restore :: forall m a. (MonadGet m, Storable a) => m a

deserialize any Storable in a host-specific format.


You probably will never need to care that these exist except they provide us with default definitions for Serial and SerialEndian

class GSerial f where

Used internally to provide generic serialization


gserialize :: MonadPut m => f a -> m ()

gdeserialize :: MonadGet m => m (f a)


GSerial V1 
GSerial U1 
Serial a => GSerial (K1 i a) 
(GSerial f, GSerial g) => GSerial ((:+:) f g) 
(GSerial f, GSerial g) => GSerial ((:*:) f g) 
GSerial f => GSerial (M1 i c f) 

class GSerialEndian f where

Used internally to provide generic big-endian serialization

Minimal complete definition



gserializeBE :: MonadPut m => f a -> m ()

gdeserializeBE :: MonadGet m => m (f a)

gserializeLE :: MonadPut m => f a -> m ()

gdeserializeLE :: MonadGet m => m (f a)


class GSerial1 f where

Used internally to provide generic serialization


gserializeWith :: MonadPut m => (a -> m ()) -> f a -> m ()

gdeserializeWith :: MonadGet m => m a -> m (f a)


GSerial1 V1 
GSerial1 U1 
GSerial1 Par1 
Serial1 f => GSerial1 (Rec1 f) 
Serial a => GSerial1 (K1 i a) 
(GSerial1 f, GSerial1 g) => GSerial1 ((:+:) f g) 
(GSerial1 f, GSerial1 g) => GSerial1 ((:*:) f g) 
(Serial1 f, GSerial1 g) => GSerial1 ((:.:) f g) 
GSerial1 f => GSerial1 (M1 i c f)