-- |
-- Module      :  Distribution.Simple.Register
-- Copyright   :  Isaac Jones 2003-2004
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  cabal-devel@haskell.org
-- Portability :  portable
-- This module deals with registering and unregistering packages. There are a
-- couple ways it can do this, one is to do it directly. Another is to generate
-- a script that can be run later to do it. The idea here being that the user
-- is shielded from the details of what command to use for package registration
-- for a particular compiler. In practice this aspect was not especially
-- popular so we also provide a way to simply generate the package registration
-- file which then must be manually passed to @ghc-pkg@. It is possible to
-- generate registration information for where the package is to be installed,
-- or alternatively to register the package in place in the build tree. The
-- latter is occasionally handy, and will become more important when we try to
-- build multi-package systems.
-- This module does not delegate anything to the per-compiler modules but just
-- mixes it all in in this module, which is rather unsatisfactory. The script
-- generation and the unregister feature are not well used or tested.

module Distribution.Simple.Register (


  ) where

import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo
import Distribution.Simple.BuildPaths

import qualified Distribution.Simple.GHC   as GHC
import qualified Distribution.Simple.GHCJS as GHCJS
import qualified Distribution.Simple.LHC   as LHC
import qualified Distribution.Simple.UHC   as UHC
import qualified Distribution.Simple.HaskellSuite as HaskellSuite

import Distribution.Simple.Compiler
import Distribution.Simple.Program
import Distribution.Simple.Program.Script
import qualified Distribution.Simple.Program.HcPkg as HcPkg
import Distribution.Simple.Setup
import Distribution.PackageDescription
import Distribution.Package
import qualified Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo as IPI
import Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo (InstalledPackageInfo)
import Distribution.Simple.Utils
import Distribution.System
import Distribution.Text
import Distribution.Verbosity as Verbosity

import System.FilePath ((</>), (<.>), isAbsolute)
import System.Directory
         ( getCurrentDirectory, removeDirectoryRecursive, removeFile
         , doesDirectoryExist, doesFileExist )

import Data.Version
import Control.Monad (when)
import Data.Maybe
         ( isJust, fromMaybe, maybeToList )
import Data.List
         ( partition, nub )
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BS.Char8

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Registration

register :: PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo
         -> RegisterFlags -- ^Install in the user's database?; verbose
         -> IO ()
register pkg@PackageDescription { library       = Just lib  } lbi regFlags
  = do
    let clbi = getComponentLocalBuildInfo lbi CLibName

    absPackageDBs    <- absolutePackageDBPaths packageDbs
    installedPkgInfo <- generateRegistrationInfo
                           verbosity pkg lib lbi clbi inplace reloc distPref
                           (registrationPackageDB absPackageDBs)

    when (fromFlag (regPrintId regFlags)) $ do
      putStrLn (display (IPI.installedUnitId installedPkgInfo))

     -- Three different modes:
    case () of
     _ | modeGenerateRegFile   -> writeRegistrationFile installedPkgInfo
       | modeGenerateRegScript -> writeRegisterScript   installedPkgInfo
       | otherwise             -> do
           setupMessage verbosity "Registering" (packageId pkg)
           registerPackage verbosity (compiler lbi) (withPrograms lbi) False
                           packageDbs installedPkgInfo

    modeGenerateRegFile = isJust (flagToMaybe (regGenPkgConf regFlags))
    regFile             = fromMaybe (display (packageId pkg) <.> "conf")
                                    (fromFlag (regGenPkgConf regFlags))

    modeGenerateRegScript = fromFlag (regGenScript regFlags)

    inplace   = fromFlag (regInPlace regFlags)
    reloc     = relocatable lbi
    -- FIXME: there's really no guarantee this will work.
    -- registering into a totally different db stack can
    -- fail if dependencies cannot be satisfied.
    packageDbs = nub $ withPackageDB lbi
                    ++ maybeToList (flagToMaybe  (regPackageDB regFlags))
    distPref  = fromFlag (regDistPref regFlags)
    verbosity = fromFlag (regVerbosity regFlags)

    writeRegistrationFile installedPkgInfo = do
      notice verbosity ("Creating package registration file: " ++ regFile)
      writeUTF8File regFile (IPI.showInstalledPackageInfo installedPkgInfo)

    writeRegisterScript installedPkgInfo =
      case compilerFlavor (compiler lbi) of
        JHC -> notice verbosity "Registration scripts not needed for jhc"
        UHC -> notice verbosity "Registration scripts not needed for uhc"
        _   -> withHcPkg
               "Registration scripts are not implemented for this compiler"
               (compiler lbi) (withPrograms lbi)
               (writeHcPkgRegisterScript verbosity installedPkgInfo packageDbs)

register _ _ regFlags = notice verbosity "No package to register"
    verbosity = fromFlag (regVerbosity regFlags)

generateRegistrationInfo :: Verbosity
                         -> PackageDescription
                         -> Library
                         -> LocalBuildInfo
                         -> ComponentLocalBuildInfo
                         -> Bool
                         -> Bool
                         -> FilePath
                         -> PackageDB
                         -> IO InstalledPackageInfo
generateRegistrationInfo verbosity pkg lib lbi clbi inplace reloc distPref packageDb = do
  --TODO: eliminate pwd!
  pwd <- getCurrentDirectory

  --TODO: the method of setting the UnitId is compiler specific
  --      this aspect should be delegated to a per-compiler helper.
  let comp = compiler lbi
  abi_hash <-
    case compilerFlavor comp of
     GHC | compilerVersion comp >= Version [6,11] [] -> do
            fmap AbiHash $ GHC.libAbiHash verbosity pkg lbi lib clbi
     GHCJS -> do
            fmap AbiHash $ GHCJS.libAbiHash verbosity pkg lbi lib clbi
     _ -> return (AbiHash "")

  installedPkgInfo <-
    if inplace
      then return (inplaceInstalledPackageInfo pwd distPref
                     pkg abi_hash lib lbi clbi)
    else if reloc
      then relocRegistrationInfo verbosity
                     pkg lib lbi clbi abi_hash packageDb
      else return (absoluteInstalledPackageInfo
                     pkg abi_hash lib lbi clbi)

  return installedPkgInfo{ IPI.abiHash = abi_hash }

relocRegistrationInfo :: Verbosity
                      -> PackageDescription
                      -> Library
                      -> LocalBuildInfo
                      -> ComponentLocalBuildInfo
                      -> AbiHash
                      -> PackageDB
                      -> IO InstalledPackageInfo
relocRegistrationInfo verbosity pkg lib lbi clbi abi_hash packageDb =
  case (compilerFlavor (compiler lbi)) of
    GHC -> do fs <- GHC.pkgRoot verbosity lbi packageDb
              return (relocatableInstalledPackageInfo
                        pkg abi_hash lib lbi clbi fs)
    _   -> die "Distribution.Simple.Register.relocRegistrationInfo: \
               \not implemented for this compiler"

initPackageDB :: Verbosity -> Compiler -> ProgramConfiguration -> FilePath -> IO ()
initPackageDB verbosity comp progdb dbPath =
    createPackageDB verbosity comp progdb False dbPath

-- | Create an empty package DB at the specified location.
createPackageDB :: Verbosity -> Compiler -> ProgramConfiguration -> Bool
                -> FilePath -> IO ()
createPackageDB verbosity comp progdb preferCompat dbPath =
    case compilerFlavor comp of
      GHC   -> HcPkg.init (GHC.hcPkgInfo   progdb) verbosity preferCompat dbPath
      GHCJS -> HcPkg.init (GHCJS.hcPkgInfo progdb) verbosity False dbPath
      LHC   -> HcPkg.init (LHC.hcPkgInfo   progdb) verbosity False dbPath
      UHC   -> return ()
      HaskellSuite _ -> HaskellSuite.initPackageDB verbosity progdb dbPath
      _              -> die $ "Distribution.Simple.Register.createPackageDB: "
                           ++ "not implemented for this compiler"

doesPackageDBExist :: FilePath -> IO Bool
doesPackageDBExist dbPath = do
    -- currently one impl for all compiler flavours, but could change if needed
    dir_exists <- doesDirectoryExist dbPath
    if dir_exists
        then return True
        else doesFileExist dbPath

deletePackageDB :: FilePath -> IO ()
deletePackageDB dbPath = do
    -- currently one impl for all compiler flavours, but could change if needed
    dir_exists <- doesDirectoryExist dbPath
    if dir_exists
        then removeDirectoryRecursive dbPath
        else do file_exists <- doesFileExist dbPath
                when file_exists $ removeFile dbPath

-- | Run @hc-pkg@ using a given package DB stack, directly forwarding the
-- provided command-line arguments to it.
invokeHcPkg :: Verbosity -> Compiler -> ProgramConfiguration -> PackageDBStack
                -> [String] -> IO ()
invokeHcPkg verbosity comp conf dbStack extraArgs =
  withHcPkg "invokeHcPkg" comp conf
    (\hpi -> HcPkg.invoke hpi verbosity dbStack extraArgs)

withHcPkg :: String -> Compiler -> ProgramConfiguration
          -> (HcPkg.HcPkgInfo -> IO a) -> IO a
withHcPkg name comp conf f =
  case compilerFlavor comp of
    GHC   -> f (GHC.hcPkgInfo conf)
    GHCJS -> f (GHCJS.hcPkgInfo conf)
    LHC   -> f (LHC.hcPkgInfo conf)
    _     -> die ("Distribution.Simple.Register." ++ name ++ ":\
                  \not implemented for this compiler")

registerPackage :: Verbosity
                -> Compiler
                -> ProgramConfiguration
                -> Bool
                -> PackageDBStack
                -> InstalledPackageInfo
                -> IO ()
registerPackage verbosity comp progdb multiInstance packageDbs installedPkgInfo =
  case compilerFlavor comp of
    GHC   -> GHC.registerPackage   verbosity progdb multiInstance packageDbs installedPkgInfo
    GHCJS -> GHCJS.registerPackage verbosity progdb multiInstance packageDbs installedPkgInfo
    _ | multiInstance
          -> die "Registering multiple package instances is not yet supported for this compiler"
    LHC   -> LHC.registerPackage   verbosity      progdb packageDbs installedPkgInfo
    UHC   -> UHC.registerPackage   verbosity comp progdb packageDbs installedPkgInfo
    JHC   -> notice verbosity "Registering for jhc (nothing to do)"
    HaskellSuite {} ->
      HaskellSuite.registerPackage verbosity      progdb packageDbs installedPkgInfo
    _    -> die "Registering is not implemented for this compiler"

writeHcPkgRegisterScript :: Verbosity
                         -> InstalledPackageInfo
                         -> PackageDBStack
                         -> HcPkg.HcPkgInfo
                         -> IO ()
writeHcPkgRegisterScript verbosity installedPkgInfo packageDbs hpi = do
  let invocation  = HcPkg.reregisterInvocation hpi Verbosity.normal
                      packageDbs (Right installedPkgInfo)
      regScript   = invocationAsSystemScript buildOS invocation

  notice verbosity ("Creating package registration script: " ++ regScriptFileName)
  writeUTF8File regScriptFileName regScript
  setFileExecutable regScriptFileName

regScriptFileName :: FilePath
regScriptFileName = case buildOS of
                        Windows -> "register.bat"
                        _       -> "register.sh"

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Making the InstalledPackageInfo

-- | Construct 'InstalledPackageInfo' for a library in a package, given a set
-- of installation directories.
  :: ([FilePath] -> [FilePath]) -- ^ Translate relative include dir paths to
                                -- absolute paths.
  -> PackageDescription
  -> AbiHash
  -> Library
  -> LocalBuildInfo
  -> ComponentLocalBuildInfo
  -> InstallDirs FilePath
  -> InstalledPackageInfo
generalInstalledPackageInfo adjustRelIncDirs pkg abi_hash lib lbi clbi installDirs =
  IPI.InstalledPackageInfo {
    IPI.sourcePackageId    = packageId   pkg,
    IPI.installedUnitId    = componentUnitId clbi,
    IPI.compatPackageKey   = componentCompatPackageKey clbi,
    IPI.license            = license     pkg,
    IPI.copyright          = copyright   pkg,
    IPI.maintainer         = maintainer  pkg,
    IPI.author             = author      pkg,
    IPI.stability          = stability   pkg,
    IPI.homepage           = homepage    pkg,
    IPI.pkgUrl             = pkgUrl      pkg,
    IPI.synopsis           = synopsis    pkg,
    IPI.description        = description pkg,
    IPI.category           = category    pkg,
    IPI.abiHash            = abi_hash,
    IPI.exposed            = libExposed  lib,
    IPI.exposedModules     = componentExposedModules clbi,
    IPI.hiddenModules      = otherModules bi,
    IPI.trusted            = IPI.trusted IPI.emptyInstalledPackageInfo,
    IPI.importDirs         = [ libdir installDirs | hasModules ],
    -- Note. the libsubdir and datasubdir templates have already been expanded
    -- into libdir and datadir.
    IPI.libraryDirs        = libdirs,
    IPI.libraryDynDirs     = dynlibdirs,
    IPI.dataDir            = datadir installDirs,
    IPI.hsLibraries        = if hasLibrary
                               then [getHSLibraryName (componentUnitId clbi)]
                               else [],
    IPI.extraLibraries     = extraLibs bi,
    IPI.extraGHCiLibraries = extraGHCiLibs bi,
    IPI.includeDirs        = absinc ++ adjustRelIncDirs relinc,
    IPI.includes           = includes bi,
    IPI.depends            = map fst (componentPackageDeps clbi),
    IPI.ccOptions          = [], -- Note. NOT ccOptions bi!
                                 -- We don't want cc-options to be propagated
                                 -- to C compilations in other packages.
    IPI.ldOptions          = ldOptions bi,
    IPI.frameworks         = frameworks bi,
    IPI.frameworkDirs      = extraFrameworkDirs bi,
    IPI.haddockInterfaces  = [haddockdir installDirs </> haddockName pkg],
    IPI.haddockHTMLs       = [htmldir installDirs],
    IPI.pkgRoot            = Nothing
    bi = libBuildInfo lib
    (absinc, relinc) = partition isAbsolute (includeDirs bi)
    hasModules = not $ null (libModules lib)
    comp = compiler lbi
    hasLibrary = hasModules || not (null (cSources bi))
                            || (not (null (jsSources bi)) &&
                                compilerFlavor comp == GHCJS)
    (libdirs, dynlibdirs)
      | not hasLibrary
      = (extraLibDirs bi, [])
      -- the dynamic-library-dirs defaults to the library-dirs if not specified,
      -- so this works whether the dynamic-library-dirs field is supported or not

      | libraryDynDirSupported comp
      = (libdir    installDirs : extraLibDirs bi,
         dynlibdir installDirs : extraLibDirs bi)

      | otherwise
      = (libdir installDirs : dynlibdir installDirs : extraLibDirs bi, [])
      -- the compiler doesn't understand the dynamic-library-dirs field so we
      -- add the dyn directory to the "normal" list in the library-dirs field

-- | Construct 'InstalledPackageInfo' for a library that is in place in the
-- build tree.
-- This function knows about the layout of in place packages.
inplaceInstalledPackageInfo :: FilePath -- ^ top of the build tree
                            -> FilePath -- ^ location of the dist tree
                            -> PackageDescription
                            -> AbiHash
                            -> Library
                            -> LocalBuildInfo
                            -> ComponentLocalBuildInfo
                            -> InstalledPackageInfo
inplaceInstalledPackageInfo inplaceDir distPref pkg abi_hash lib lbi clbi =
    generalInstalledPackageInfo adjustRelativeIncludeDirs
                                pkg abi_hash lib lbi clbi installDirs
    adjustRelativeIncludeDirs = map (inplaceDir </>)
        | componentUnitId clbi == localUnitId lbi = buildDir lbi
        | otherwise = buildDir lbi </> display (componentUnitId clbi)
    installDirs =
      (absoluteInstallDirs pkg lbi NoCopyDest) {
        libdir     = inplaceDir </> libTargetDir,
        dynlibdir  = inplaceDir </> libTargetDir,
        datadir    = inplaceDir </> dataDir pkg,
        docdir     = inplaceDocdir,
        htmldir    = inplaceHtmldir,
        haddockdir = inplaceHtmldir
    inplaceDocdir  = inplaceDir </> distPref </> "doc"
    inplaceHtmldir = inplaceDocdir </> "html" </> display (packageName pkg)

-- | Construct 'InstalledPackageInfo' for the final install location of a
-- library package.
-- This function knows about the layout of installed packages.
absoluteInstalledPackageInfo :: PackageDescription
                             -> AbiHash
                             -> Library
                             -> LocalBuildInfo
                             -> ComponentLocalBuildInfo
                             -> InstalledPackageInfo
absoluteInstalledPackageInfo pkg abi_hash lib lbi clbi =
    generalInstalledPackageInfo adjustReativeIncludeDirs
                                pkg abi_hash lib lbi clbi installDirs
    -- For installed packages we install all include files into one dir,
    -- whereas in the build tree they may live in multiple local dirs.
    adjustReativeIncludeDirs _
      | null (installIncludes bi) = []
      | otherwise                 = [includedir installDirs]
    bi = libBuildInfo lib
    installDirs = absoluteInstallDirs pkg lbi NoCopyDest

relocatableInstalledPackageInfo :: PackageDescription
                                -> AbiHash
                                -> Library
                                -> LocalBuildInfo
                                -> ComponentLocalBuildInfo
                                -> FilePath
                                -> InstalledPackageInfo
relocatableInstalledPackageInfo pkg abi_hash lib lbi clbi pkgroot =
    generalInstalledPackageInfo adjustReativeIncludeDirs
                                pkg abi_hash lib lbi clbi installDirs
    -- For installed packages we install all include files into one dir,
    -- whereas in the build tree they may live in multiple local dirs.
    adjustReativeIncludeDirs _
      | null (installIncludes bi) = []
      | otherwise                 = [includedir installDirs]
    bi = libBuildInfo lib

    installDirs = fmap (("${pkgroot}" </>) . shortRelativePath pkgroot)
                $ absoluteInstallDirs pkg lbi NoCopyDest

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Unregistration

unregister :: PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo -> RegisterFlags -> IO ()
unregister pkg lbi regFlags = do
  let pkgid     = packageId pkg
      genScript = fromFlag (regGenScript regFlags)
      verbosity = fromFlag (regVerbosity regFlags)
      packageDb = fromFlagOrDefault (registrationPackageDB (withPackageDB lbi))
                                    (regPackageDB regFlags)
      unreg hpi =
        let invocation = HcPkg.unregisterInvocation
                           hpi Verbosity.normal packageDb pkgid
        in if genScript
             then writeFileAtomic unregScriptFileName
                    (BS.Char8.pack $ invocationAsSystemScript buildOS invocation)
             else runProgramInvocation verbosity invocation
  setupMessage verbosity "Unregistering" pkgid
  withHcPkg "unregistering is only implemented for GHC and GHCJS"
    (compiler lbi) (withPrograms lbi) unreg

unregScriptFileName :: FilePath
unregScriptFileName = case buildOS of
                          Windows -> "unregister.bat"
                          _       -> "unregister.sh"