streams-3.3: Various Haskell 2010 stream comonads

streams-3.3: Various Haskell 2010 stream comonads

Various Haskell 2010 stream comonads. * Data.Stream.Future provides a coinductive anti-causal stream, or non-empty ZipList. The comonad provides access to only the tail of the stream. Like a conventional ZipList, this is not a monad.

data Future a = Last a | a :< Future a
  • Data.Stream.Future.Skew provides a non-empty skew-binary random-access-list with the semantics of Data.Stream.Future. As with Data.Stream.Future this stream is not a Monad, since the Applicative instance zips streams of potentially differing lengths. The random-access-list structure provides a number of operations logarithmic access time, but makes cons less productive. Where applicable Data.Stream.Infinite.Skew may be more efficient, due to a lazier and more efficient Applicative instance.
  • Data.Stream.Infinite provides a coinductive infinite anti-causal stream. The Comonad provides access to the tail of the stream and the Applicative zips streams together. Unlike Future, infinite stream form a Monad. The monad diagonalizes the Stream, which is consistent with the behavior of the Applicative, and the view of a Stream as a isomorphic to the reader monad from the natural numbers. Being infinite in length, there is no Alternative instance.
data Stream a = a :< Stream a
data Zipper a = !Integer :~ (Integer -> a)
  • Data.Stream.Supply provides a comonadic supply of unique values, which are generated impurely as the tree is explored.
